Golden Chalice

Level Design

Golden Chalice Level Design Process

Game Scripting

Mission Scripting, Environmental Re-use, Traps!


Obstacles to overcome

Project Overview

RPG Platformer

Golden Chalice is an RPG Platformer with an aesthetic that takes inspiration from the Indiana Jones films. The player must explore the level to complete various missions and fight bosses to recover the Golden Chalice hidden in an ancient temple. Along the way, the player will encounter various traps that must be avoided and utilize platforming to traverse the level. This level showcases skillful reuse of the environment through strategically placed obstacles and platforms, while also demonstrating a knowledge of RPG mechanics and mission scripting. This was a solo project created in Unreal Engine 4.

Level Design

The Idea

With the idea of creating an exciting blend of RPG and platformer elements and an aesthetic that matched Indiana Jones, I created Golden Chalice. Just like the films I wanted a level littered with traps, so I designed a level that heavily relies on the constraints of the environment to guide and challenge the player. The level design for the game Destiny heavily stood out to me with their skillful reuse of the environment, and inspired the design of my level which uses the environment and mission scripting to guide players through the same traps requiring them to dodge and avoid them each time.

Design Goals

  • Intentional Mission Scripting
  • Challenging Platforming
  • Indiana Jones Aesthetic
  • Environmental Reuse
  • Traps, Traps, and MORE Traps!

Whitebox to First art pass:

White Box Development:

  • The initial level layout was designed based on the overhead map and ideas I envisioned with an end goal of having an exciting and nostalgic gameplay experience.

Precise tuning and Play testing:

  • Platforms and obstacles were fine-tuned with rigorous play testing in the white box phase to strike the perfect balance between challenging parkour and exciting gameplay.

Transition to First Art Pass:

  • Enhanced the level with textures and lighting creating an underground temple aesthetic. The torch-lighting effects completely transformed the mood and atmosphere, infusing the rooms with a temple ruin-like feel.

Game Scripting

Scripting Goals

  • Diverse Traps
  • Mission/Quest Scripting
  • RPG Combat
  • C++ Node
  • Level Progression

Traps Galore!

Golden Chalice features various unique traps each with their own individual function that the player must learn in order to survive. The arrow trap works with a pressure plate that triggers the arrows after a few seconds. The timed spikes shoot out of the ground at a timed interval. The spike pit is well… a spike pit. Finally, the swing of death drops at a rapid speed to catch the player off guard and utilizes a dot product to tell when the player is in-front of it. To make the scripting more compact I created a C++ node that combines several nodes that tells the traps how much damage should be applied to the player. With a strategically placed environment and clever mission scripting, the player must go through each trap multiple times.

RPG Elements

The level was created in an RPG template that utilizes a built-in RPG combat system and mission system. Using these systems I was able to create missions that direct the player around the environment to find levers that trigger doors, starts dialogues, and creates waypoints for the player.

Throughout the missions the player will encounter two bosses that engage the player in an RPG style turn-based combat. I added to the built-in RPG system by including an extra combat option for the player to block incoming attacks. The level also includes level progression and stat sheets. After successfully defeating an enemy, the player levels up, healing the player and increasing the players various stats such as damage, health, speed, and defense. Healing items can also be found in the level that recovers some of the players HP.



With the idea of having a level with traps that remind the player of a nostalgic film and aesthetic that put the player in the shoes of Indiana Jones, I was challenged to design and script the level to achieve that goal. Through careful and intensive play testing and iteration I was able to finalize precise locations of objects, obstacles, and platforms in the environment that gives the player a fun and rewarding experience. The RPG gameplay was also rigorously tested and iterated on to achieve the perfect balance of stats to give players a fun challenge.

The scripting of the mission was also meticulously created in order for the player to reuse the environment and pass through each trap multiple times, with each trap being a unique challenge for the player to overcome. In the end, I was able to utilize assets reminiscent of an underground temple ruin that reshaped the environment and gave the exact feel I was looking for. Every room is filled with visual charm as I designed the rooms with carefully selected assets. Through testing and refinement, I fine-tuned the placement and scale of each element. The result? A level that not only offers a thrilling and challenging experience but also offers a nostalgic and exciting visual appeal!