Westin Baker

Game Designer


Design & Technical Skills

Utilizing a user-centered design approach with a robust and collaborative focus to enhance the gameplay experience to it’s peak. Pushing the boundaries while staying true to classic principles of design.

Technical skills in level and mission scripting, technical design, and prototyping utilizing Blueprints, C++, and C#, bolstered by years of study and hard work.


Received my Bachelor’s of Science in Computer Graphics Technology at Purdue University studying Game Design and Development from 2019-2023

Current professional experience working as a Game Design Instructor at STEM Forged growing in knowledge and skills such as Level Design, Game Design, Game Mechanics, Collaboration, and Problem-solving.


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Fish Are Friends

Endless Runner

Level Design

FaF Level Design Process

Game Scripting

Character controller, Shop, Endless level


Obstacles to overcome


Arcade Racer

Level Design

Fasteroid Level Design Process

Game Scripting

Anti-Gravity, Boost, AI/CPU Racers


Obstacles to overcome


FPS Survival level

Level Design

Labyrinth Level Design Process


Progression, Difficulty scaling, Exploration


Obstacles to overcome

Golden Chalice

RPG Platformer

Level Design

Golden Chalice Level Design Process

Game Scripting

Mission Scripting, Environmental Re-use, Traps!


Obstacles to overcome

Unity Prototypes

Prototyped FPS Mechanics

About Me

Hi, my name is Westin Baker I am currently working as a Game Design Instructor for STEM Forged teaching Game Design. My expertise is in Level Design and Game Design.

I graduated from Purdue University with a Bachelor’s of Science in Computer Graphics Technology studying Game Design and Development. I have worked on numerous projects utilizing different game engines such as Unreal Engine 4 and 5 and Unity. Through my academic experience I’ve learned proper methodologies for creating games through collaboration and documentation, and brought games through the game design pipeline from concept to finalization. Through my time learning, I’ve spent a considerable amount of time gaining knowledge about Game Design and becoming proficient at utilizing Game Engines and learning visual scripting and object-oriented programming.

I believe my strong academic background, creativity, and knowledge combined with my collaboration and communication skills built through my time as an instructor would make me a valuable asset to any team.


